My Profiles
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Last updated
My Profiles is where you can view all of the RAPT Profiles that you have created or added to your library.
You can filter which profles are visible using the search options:
Clone Profile - this creates an exact copy of the profile that can then be renamed and edited. This is useful if you wish to tweak an existing profile for (for example) a different yeast in a Fermentation Profile
Edit - this opens up the editing screen for the selected profile so that the steps and alerts can be seen, and any changes can be made to the Profile.
Back - This returns to the My Profiles screen without saving your work
Save - this saves a profile once created or saves any edits that have been made to the profile. Note: You must Save your Profile before exiting this screen or you will lose any changes
Delete - This deletes the Profile
For a detailed guide to creating profiles, please refer to Creating and Editing Profiles
Send Profile to Device - this sends the selected Profile to the chosen RAPT device. Note: this option uploads the Profile, but does not start a Profile session. To start the Profile you must either start it manually on the RAPT device, or use the Start Profile Session button in the Dashboard or Devices screen