Bluetooth Operation

RAPT Pill Hydrometer & Thermometer - Bluetooth Operation Guide

The RAPT Pill can send telemetry via WiFI or Bluetooth. For general use WiFi is the default option.

Bluetooth will only work if the RAPT Pill Hydrometer is paired with a Bluetooth capable RAPT device such as a RAPT Fermentation Chamber, a RAPT Temperature Controller or a RAPT Glycol Chiller.

Benefits of Bluetooth Operation

Once a RAPT Pill Hydrometer is set to Bluetooth Telemetry and Bonded with a compatible RAPT device (such as a RAPT Fermentation Chamber or a RAPT Temperature Controller) the Pill Hydromer can be used as a temperature probe for that RAPT device.

This is fantastically powerful.

As well as transmitting temperature information, the RAPT Pill will also send both Gravity and Gravity Velocity to the Bonded RAPT device.

This allows the use of powerful and complex Fermentation Profiles.

For example, you can select to have the temperature maintained until a set gravity is reached. You may prefer to ramp the fermentation temperature when the Gravity Velocity slows to a certain level. This functionality is unlocked via Bluetooth!

Enable Bluetooth/WiFi

To enable Bluetooth on the Pill, you must first connect to the Pill Captive Portal by following the instructions above. Then, navigate to the Settings page of the Captive Portal.

There is a dropdown menu for Telemetry Method. This enables you to switch between WiFi or Bluetooth for telemetry, and also to set the desired telemetry interval.

The default telemetry interval for WiFI is 60 minutes.

The default telemetry interval for Bluetooth is 1 minute

It is not recommended to set shorter telemetry intervals. Shorter intervals will impact battery life.

Recommended telemetry intervals are 60 minutes for Wifi and 5 minutes for Bluetooth – this provides the best combination of accurate reporting and battery life.

Once Bluetooth has been enabled in the Pill Captive Portal, the Pill must be Bonded with a RAPT Bluetooth device such as a RAPT Fermentation Chamber, a RAPT Temperature Controller.

Note: Bluetooth requires a compatible RAPT device such as a Fermentation Chamber or Temperature Controller. Bluetooth will not broadcast unless the RAPT Pill is first registered to the RAPT Portal using WiFi.

When a Pill has been bonded with a compatible RAPT device the RAPT device can then be set to use the Pill as the Temperature Sensor. Doing this allows temperature control using real time telemetry from the bonded Pill. This will also display up to date temperature and gravity data on the RAPT device.

For further information about Temperature Sensor control using a Bluetooth Bonded Pill refer to the Bluetooth section of the relevant devices User Manual

Last updated