RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer
KL24334 RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer | User Guide
Last updated
KL24334 RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer | User Guide
Last updated
This low energy RAPT enabled Bluetooth Thermometer is compatible with the Gen 4 BrewZillas, RAPT Temperature Controllers and RAPT Fermentation Chambers
The RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer is compatible with Gen 4 BrewZilla’s, RAPT Temperature Controllers and RAPT Fermentation Chambers allowing you to make smarter and more automated decisions on how to control the brewing or distillation process. The RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer is able to perform many functions when bonded with a RAPT controller including, but not limited to:
Measuring core grain temperature of your BrewZilla to more accurately control the heating elements according to the mash temperature
Measuring still head temperature and controlling the BrewZilla to turn the elements off once your target temperature is hit and your distillation run is over
Measuring core fermentation temperature and controlling your RAPT Fermentation Chamber or RAPT Temperature Controller heating and cooling
The RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer will not work without one or more of the devices listed above.