Troubleshooting Can Filler
Troubleshoot Can Filler WiFi or Registration issues
Last updated
Troubleshoot Can Filler WiFi or Registration issues
Last updated
Cannot open Captive Portal
Check that WiFi is active on your mobile device
Select KegLand RAPT XXXX network
Enter password 'kegland1'
Cannot see KegLand RAPT XXX in my list of available networks
Navigate to Settings and Enable WiFI
Unplug the device for 30 seconds, then plug it back in and refresh the list of networks on your mobile device
This may already be connected to WiFi. Check the IP (STA) in Diagnostics. If this is populated with an IP address that is not then this is already connected
"Selected Network is not connected to the Internet" error
Select the KegLand RAPT XXX network and choose "Forget This Network"
Device does not connect to my WiFi network
Check that your network is broadcasting a 2.4gHz signal
Non alphanumeric characters in the SSID or password can cause issues - change these to simple (letters and numbers only) characters
Ensure you are selecting the correct network and inputting the correct password for that network
The network must have a password – the device cannot connect to an unsecured network
The device may already be connected. Check the IP (STA) in Diagnostics. If this is populated with an IP address that is not then the deviceis likely already connected
Reboot the device by unplugging for at least 309 seconds
Reboot your modem/WiFi router
Try connecting to a different WiFi network
Turn off any VPN or anything that can block an outgoing signal on the router
Cannot see a Validation Code
Connect the device to your WiFi network
Update the firmware - select Check for OTA update in Settings
Error when Registering device
Check that the device firmware is up to date - select Check for OTA update in the DIagnostics screen
The Validation Code may have timed out. Reboot the device by unplugging it for at least 30 seconds, then plugging it back in. Log out of the RAPT Portal and log back in
If the above steps do not work, reboot the network that the device is connected to. Once the network has rebooted, reboot the device by unplugging it for at least 30 seconds, then plugging it back in. Log out of the RAPT Portal and log back in. Note: if using a modem and seperate wifi roters, reboot the modem and then the wifi routers in that order.
Determine whether your device is connected to Wi-Fi
To check this navigate to Diagnostics and check that it shows your network’s IP address next to IP (STA) - in the form 192.168.XX.XXX or similar. You can also check the WiFi AP (Access Point ) the device is connected to and the current WiFi signal strength
Determine whether your device is registered to the RAPT Portal
If the message "Register your device by pressing the select button to enter the main menu, then selecting the "Register Device" item in the main menu" is displayed, this is not registered. Please follow the steps outlined in Register Device
Cannot update firmware | 5379 Error
This is a network issue. The OTA Firmware Update could not be validated or was incomplete. Ensure your device is as close as possible to the router. Check signal strength in Diagnostics
Make sure there are no VPNs in use, or filters or other potential issues set up in the router that can block an outgoing signal
If issues persist, reboot the device and also the modem
Cannot update firmware | 28674 Error
This is a network issue. The OTA Firmware Update could not be validated or was incomplete. Ensure your device is as close as possible to the router. Check signal strength in Diagnostics
Error 28674 is an error opening an HTTP connection. Check your modem or router settings. A VPN, Firewall or other setting may be blocking outgoing connections - this is a common reason for this error
If issues persist, reboot the device and also the modem
A corrupt firmware install can prevent registration. This can happen if a firmware download is interrputed, for example. If the above steps do not allow registration, please refer to to rollback firmware to a good version, then update to the current version
Ensure you have a strong 2.4gHz WiFi signal (not just 5gHZ). Check your signal strength against
Ensure you have a strong 2.4gHz WiFi signal (not just 5gHZ). Check your signal strength against