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The Dashboard is the homepage for your RAPT devices.
From the Dashboard, you can view and manually control your registered devices or start a pre-programmed automated profile session (see Profiles).
In the top left corner the '+REGISTER DEVICE' dropdown will allow you to add RAPT devices (Fermentation Chamber, Temperature Controller, Pill Digital Hydrometer, Can Filler or BrewZilla), or any other External (non-RAPT) device if you have a Premium Subscription.
Not all registered devices are shown on the Dashboard by default. To see all your registered devices, navigate to the Devices List. From there, you can pin devices to your Dashboard.
If you cannot see a registered RAPT device in the Dashboard, please ensure it is Pinned in the Devices List.
Once a device has been added to the RAPT Portal, in the Dashboard each device will have a graph and control panel (control options vary by device).
HISTORY (Only available when a profile is running) This allows 'time travel' - you can choose to advance to another profile step, or revert to a previous step.
Play/Stop allows you to commence a saved profile from either the user’s own profiles or from one of the global profiles which have been created by experienced brewers. When a Profile is started on a RAPT device, the graph will only display telemetry friom the start of the profile.
VIEW displays the temperature profile and superimposes data for compressor/heating/auxiliary utilisation and signal strength with respect to the specified dates in the boxes below the graph. NB the data for all parameters (except for temperature) is located on the vertical axis to the right of the graph.
The View button opens the graph for the respective device with additional display options such as Battery, Compressor Utilisation, Heater Utilisation (varies by device). These options can be toggled on or off. A specific date range to be displayed can also be selected, or the graph can be zoomed in using the timeline at the base of the graph.
EDIT allows the user to edit the name of the device, the Customer Use (from a dropdown) and/or which devices are paired (options vary by device)
You can change the name of your RAPT device, see the MAC address, select the Customer Use from a dropdown and toggle whether the devce is visible on the Dashboard (options may vary depending on device)
This allows certain onboard settings to be adjusted through the RAPT Portal (such as hysteresis, fan, compressor delay, telemetry frequency etc). The available Settings options will vary by device
This resets the device authentication and should only be used if you need to re-register the RAPT device to the RAPT Portal
PAIRED DEVICE (RAPT Pills only) Select a Bluetooth capable RAPT device such as a Fermentation Chamber to Pair your Bluetooth enabled RAPT Pill with. Pairing a Pill with a RAPT device will then show the Paired Pill's telemetry on the telemetry display for the Paired device. This is a visual display in the RAPT Portal only - a Paired Pill is not selected as the Temperature Sensor for that device.
You can choose how the available telemetry is displayed for each RAPT device in the dashboard with the following buttons (default view is Information)
In the Graph view you can see and toggle all available telemtry for the device. This is done using the colour coded legend under the graph. Note that available telemetry options are device specific.
At the bottom of every device’s graph is a timeline that can be dragged to zoom in to a specific date range.
Below this is the up to date telemetry.
Detailed telemetry will be displayed for a 14 day period. Outside this range telemetry will be aggregated to a 24 hour period.
Below the graph is:
Att: Attenuation
Note that the displayed telemetry is device specific.
If an active Profile is running, the length of time it has been running and the name of the profile is also displayed, as well as the current step of the profile.
Remove from Dashboard Selecting this will remove the RAPT device from the Dashboard. This does not remove it from the RAPT Portal or un-register the device. It can be Pinned again at any time through the Devices tab
Show/Hide closes or opens the graph and information for each device. This can be useful if you have several RAPT devices in the Dashboard but only wish to view one or two of them
Move allows the Devices in the Dashboard to be arranged by dragging each device up or down as desired. This allows you to re-order each RAPT device in the Dashboard easily
Export (Only available in the detailed graph) This will export an Excel file of current telemetry data
MANUAL CONTROL This displays the Manual Control options for the RAPT device. NOTE: This is device dependant - not all RAPT devices can be remote controlelr through the RAPT Portal
INFORMATION This displays current setpoint temperature target, gravity, temperature and ABV (display is device specific and will vary)
DIAGNOSTICS This displays information such as the number of compressor or heating relay starts. current device firmware, WiFi Signal Strength and last received telemetry (information is device specific and will vary)
PROFILE SESSIONS This displays a list of completed Profile Sessions (where available)
CHART This display a graph of telemetry received with temperature, gravity, gravity velocity and target temperture (display is device specific and will vary)
Specific Gravity (SG)
Set Point Temperature
Battery Percentage
Calculated ABV (based on initial gravity and current gravity)