BrewZilla Profiles
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Last updated
To create a BrewZilla Profile, Click the Add Profile button in the top left.
Then, select a Profile Type: BrewZilla
Next, select a Name for your Profile (such as Best Bitter)
Enter a Description for your Profile - this can be anything and is just intended for your reference.
Next, start adding profile steps!
This will bring up a new dialog box which allows you to select and enter the desired step details.
Step Type
You can select the following Step Types and options
Step Name
Here you can enter a name for each step - this is to allow you to identify each step (for example "Beta-Amylase Rest", "Mash Out" etc
Heat/Cool to target Temperature
This will heat (if needed until the target temperature is reached, and then maintain that temperature around the hysteresis of the unit
Gradual ramp to target over length of step
This will ramp the temperature over the length of the selected step duration - for example, you may wish to raise the mash temperature from 64C-68C over 60 minutes.
Target Temperature
Input the desired temperature for each step here
Go to next step when:
The step timer is finished: This will start the next step as soon as the step timer is finished.
The target temperature is reached: This will go to the next step as soon as the target temperature is reached regardless of step duration
I press a button on the device: You will need to manually push a button on the BrewZilla to end the step.
Step Duration: Enter the Step Duration in Minutes, Hours or Days. This option is only available whe The step timer is finished is selected as the Go to next step option
Show Advanced Options: This toggles Advanced Options On or Off
Advanced Options can be toggled on and off for each step
Heating %: You can select the element power as a percentage from 5% (minimum) to 100% (full) for every Profile Step. Alternatively set this to Manual Control whereby you enter the desired power on the BrewZilla Controller.
PID State: Turn PID On or Off. PID is recommended for advanced users only. For best results PID setting s need to be dialled in for every brew
Allowed Sensor Differential: This sets the Allowed Sensor Differential. This is the allowed differentiual between the element temperature and the Set Point temperature. This only applies when using the RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer
Alerts allows you to set up a custom alert for each step. You can add as many Alerts for each step as desired. You can select when to send the alert and also enter a custom Alert message (such as "Add Boil Hops Now")
You can set an alert when:
The Step Starts
The Step Ends
A specified amount of time has passed after the step starts - this is useful for adding alerts for hop additions in the boil
The specified temperature is reached - this can alert you when the strike water is ready etc
The specified gravity is reached - not applicable
The gravity velocity is greater/less than the specified value - not applicable
To receive alerts on your mobile device, you must have the Google Play or Apple App Store app installed.
In order to receive alerts you need to select Enable Mobile App (Push) Notifications in the My Account settings.
You also need to allow notifications for the RAPT app on your device. Once this is set up, alerts will be pushed to your phone or any device with the RAPT App.
Congratulations! You have made a BrewZilla profile and are ready to brew!
Click the Add button to add a Profile Step
This is where you enter the type and duration of each Step. Once you have finished each step, click the Add Step button to enter a new step.
Once you are happy that all the Profile Steps and alerts are correct, make sure you hit the Save button to save the profile to your My Profiles library. You can then send it directly to your RAPT device using the Send Profile to Device button or using the Play button in the Dashboard to start a new profile!