RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer | Settings
Last updated
RAPT Bluetooth Thermometer | Settings
Last updated
Turn the unit on by holding the power button for 3 seconds. Unplug the temperature probe male jack from the top of the unit. The unit will display OPn
Double Press the button until C or F shows. Press again to change. Plug in the probe
Ensure the probe is inserted into the unit. Turn the unit on
Double press the button until the screen flashes with an H in the corner.
The range for the Auto Off Timer is 1 hour to 99 hours. Selecting "--" will disable the Auto Off TImer.
Continually press the power button until the desired Auto Off Timer value is displayed. Double click the button or wait for the display to revery to save the new setting.
Note: Pressing the button will change in delay in increments of 1 hour. Holding the button will change the delay in 5 hour increments.
The device will enter “Sleep Mode” after 10 minutes of inactivity. While in sleep mode BLE will be shown on the display to conserve battery. While in Sleep Mode the device will still transmit data via Bluetooth to any bonded devices.
Press the button to wake the device up and show the measured temperature on the display.
Gen 2 units will display the current temperature until the auto-off timer has been met.
Turn the unit on by holding the power button for 3 seconds. Ensure the probe is plugged in.
Press and hold the power button for 10 sconds until the display changes to flashing 0.0°C
Note: While holding the button, the unit will show OFF. Ignore this. Keep holding the button.
When the display is flashing 0.0°C, release the button. The Temperature Offset can then be changed in 0.1°C increments from -5°C to +5°C (or °F, if Fahrenheit is selected). This changes the offset of the displayed temperature to allow calibration of the unit.
When +5°C has been reached the unit will cycle to -5°C.
If no button input is received for 1 second, the unit will turn off and the currently displayed offset will be saved.
A positve offset increases the displayed temperature, and a negative offset decreases the displayed temperature.
Thus if the temperature before calibration is displayed as 20°C and we set an offset of +4°C, the display will read 24°C after calibration.
Calibration is persistent and wil remain after turning the device off or changing the batteries.
To rest the calibration offset to the default value of 0°C simply press and hold the power button for 10 sconds until the display changes to flashing 0.0°C. Wait until the device turns off (approx 3 seconds). The calibration offset has been restored to default.